Wednesday, May 4, 2011

When All Else Fails.....There is Wal-Mart

Yesterday, my roommate Michelle and I went to find an alarm clock. There is a supermacado near our house, so we went there first. Actually we went to a fabric show, first, and I fell in love. The fabric (tela) is really cheap here. Como muy barato!! i couldn't believe it. I just might be bringing back a suitcase full of fabic. Who knows!!

So went to the supermacado. There were a lot of things, but no alarm clocks. There are more supermercadas than in Spain, but there are still a lot of speciality shows. So now..we looked at each other and said where to?. Well....instead of looking in several shops and actually asking the local people where to find an alarm clock, we just got lazy. So off to Wal-Mart we went. Lame, I know.

It was very similiar to the ones in the US except instead of beating out Smiths, Kroger and others, they try and beat out the local "Mega" store, which is actually bigger than Wal-Mart. The store was divided into one section of clothing and the other for the regular stuff. The two sections don't connect either as we discovered.

Luckily we were able to find some ghetto alarm clocks, and other supplies such as baby wipes, washcloths, bananas, and bread, which white bread is about three dollars a loaf here because no one eats it. But there are a thousand variety of tortillas, cooking oils, and milks. Neither the milk nor the eggs are refrigerated though. Figure that one out.

This is the aisle of all the cooking oil brands. All of the shelving was oil. No jokes.

So the Wal-Mart was cleaner and the people actually were helpful and knew where things were located. However, sorry to disappoint, there was one or two check-out lines open, so the check-out process still was slow. Some things are just global.

As soon as I find a converter for my camera, then I'll be able to post some pictures.

Chao from Mexico!

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