Sunday, May 8, 2011

Uxmal (Uish-mal)

Yesterday we went to the famous ruins of Uxmal. It is a shh sound because the word is Maya. We started out in the hottest part of the day, I don't have a clue as to why, but that is how it happened.

So the first temple we see is the one above, but is not the most famous one. It was pretty huge though and decorated. The serpent is a common feature on the temple. Can you see it?

This is where they sacrifices.

The site is huge, and there were so many stairs. We got to climb up one of the temples, which had a great view from the top, but it was really steep climbing back down. I just had to keep reminding myself no to think about it because if you thought about it too much one would fall.

After we visited the ruins in the daytime, we ate dinner and then came back for the famous light show. They used lights and sounds to explain the birth of Uxmal and the Mayan gods. At times it was a little difficult to understand, but it was still cool.

Everyday: So I decided to create an everyday category of things that I have become accustomed to but perhaps in the beginning it was a little weird, or I just didn't notice it.

So the first thing is the policia. There are police everywhere hear. Literally everywhere. They pass by on the roads about every 10 to 15 minutes. Last night as we were entering the city, we got a glimpse of just how unsafe it is and why there are so many police. As we re-entered Merida there was a check point on the highway. Trafffic would slow because of speed bumps that were create by the police so that they could assess the vehicles as they passed by. On either side of the roads there were army officers with machine guns loaded and ready to fire. It it wasn't like they had to have a search warrant either. If they thought you were smuggling drugs or arams (guns) they could just pull your vehicle over and check it out. It was one of the scariest things I have seen here. But they were serious. I asked the tour guide if this was normal, and she said yes ever since the Mexican cartels have taken over, Merida and the Yucatan have been the only safe cities in Mexico. Merida was the first one to be safeguraded in all of Mexico. It's not like Guadaljara she said or the D.F. (Federal district, or Mexico City). She said that the government here in the Yucatan and in Mexico take extra precautions to make sure that it doesn't loose control to the cartels. Hence all the security. So I guess in a way all the security is good, but in another point of view....Mexico is still scary and in a state of anarchy. It's like living on a island of security surrounded by a violent sea. Im safe and sound though.


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